Family Resources
Public schools in the United States are required to administer standardized testing to all students in grades three through eight. The English Language Arts and Mathematics Assessments are aligned with the Connecticut Core Standards. The Barkhamsted School uses many measures to evaluate the academic success of our students. These measures, in conjunction with Smarter Balanced Assessment data, will be used to make continuous improvements to our curriculum and instruction, ensuring that our students will achieve at high levels and meet the competencies of the portrait of the successful student.
EdSight is CSDE’s data portal that provides detailed information about schools and districts and offers information on key performance measures that make up Connecticut’s Next Generation Accountability System. A variety of reports are available on EdSight.
They include:
The Profile and Performance Reports (also referred to as school/district report cards);
Numerous interactive reports on topics like enrollment, chronic absenteeism, discipline, educator demographics, graduation rates, and test results;
The special education Annual Performance Reports; and
Data and research bulletins on critical topics of interest.