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The maps are designed to provide a summary of what is covered in our major units of study. Be aware that our curriculum is continuously adjusted based on the needs of our students.
In The Barkhamsted School art room, many different techniques and materials are used to create a variety of projects that allow all students the opportunity to achieve according to their abilities and strengths. Emphasis is placed on the process of developing projects step-by-step, some of which may take several weeks or more to complete. The student creation of artwork culminates in the annual art show, where two-dimensional and three-dimensional works from every student in the school are put on display for parents, student peers, and visitors to see.
The Barkhamsted School’s library program is designed to support student learners at all levels in the pursuit of personal interests and school-related activities. The program builds skills that enable students to become life-long learners by providing the foundation for finding the information that they need when they need it, developing student understanding of a variety of genres, and supporting students in book selection.
Technology programming includes developing computer competency as well as the application of skills in new and creative ways. Students develop digital citizenship while learning to consume and create content using computers independently and collaboratively. New technologies are introduced and explored as students gain understanding of how technology impacts their lives, learning, and future.
At The Barkhamsted School, mathematically proficient students are able to solve problems strategically and precisely. Furthermore, they demonstrate perseverance and the ability to communicate their thinking and evaluate the reasoning of others as a result of a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Successful students value mathematical exploration and understand how mathematics is relevant to their current and future lives.
At The Barkhamsted School, students in each grade explore musical concepts such as pitch, melody, harmony, steady beat, rhythm, movement, improvisation, composition, music history and appreciation. General music instruction scaffolds from exploration and basic music literacy to application of these skills to instruments, such as the recorder in 3rd grade, ukulele, and band instruments in grades 4-6. In the upper grades, students broaden and deepen their understanding of music and music skills becoming musically literate. Students in grades 4-6 have the option of participating in chorus and/or band. Students in grades 3-6 are invited to participate in our after-school Theater Program.
The Barkhamsted School Physical Education program is designed to meet the National Standards for Physical Education with the overall goal of students pursuing a lifetime of healthful physical activity. Students are expected to demonstrate competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns and apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance. Students will develop the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. Our focus is for students to value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.
The Barkhamsted School Health program is designed to meet the National Standards for Health Education. Students will learn about concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention and have opportunities to discuss the influence of a variety of factors (family, peers, culture, media, etc.) on health as they develop their interpersonal communication and decision-making skills to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid health risks.
The goal of Barkhamsted’s reading instruction is to develop strategies and habits to inspire life-long readers. Reading instruction includes read alouds, when teachers read high quality literature and informational text aloud to students; shared reading, an interactive experience when students join in the reading of a book as teachers model reading strategies to support learning in a whole group setting; independent reading, when students select “just right” books for personal reading; and guided reading/conferring, when small groups/individual students work with the teacher to set goals and learn strategies to increase their reading ability. Through a program both rich in fiction and non-fiction, students build accuracy, comprehension, fluency and vocabulary leading to reading success.
The Barkhamsted School believes that scientifically proficient students are able to conduct multiple investigations, solve problems, design solutions and engage in discussions grounded in evidence that are driven by student-generated questions and have a range of possible outcomes. Collectively, these learning experiences lead to a deep understanding of core scientific concepts. Students will use multiple literacies to pose problems, carry out research and communicate findings using the language and thinking of the discipline. Successful students value scientific inquiry and understand how science is relevant to their current and future lives.
The Barkhamsted School’s social studies curriculum is designed to promote students becoming responsible citizens in an increasingly diverse nation and interdependent world. Social studies instruction prepares our students for success in college and career by emphasizing the skills and practices that allow them to be active participants in their community.
Studies show that there are many benefits to studying a second language, including increased higher-order thinking skills, increased creativity, increased English vocabulary skills, and developing cultural sensitivity. At The Barkhamsted School, students participate in Spanish instruction in grades K-6. The language is presented at an age-appropriate level and pace, through a variety of activities involving all modalities. The majority of instruction in the lower grades focuses on oral language development. Upper grades focus on reading and writing, as well as oral development. Our curriculum follows the ACTFL Standards for Foreign Language Instruction.
The Barkhamsted School’s writing curriculum emphasizes three (Narrative/Persuasive/Informational) types of writing, the writing process that applies to all types of writing and writing across the curriculum. Throughout all units, there is a continual emphasis on transference of skills as the development that occurs within a type of writing is echoed in other types of writing and all content areas. Using the Writer’s Workshop approach students are taught to use writing as a tool for learning.